Saturday, November 13, 2010

A trial separation

An open letter to the president of WGBH:

Mr. Jonathan C. Abbott
President and Chief Executive Officer
One Guest Street
Boston, MA 02135

Dear Mr. Abbott:

I am a long time supporter of WGBH having made frequent contributions since 1986. However, recent events have caused me to question my loyalty.

1. On October 20, Juan Williams was fired from NPR. Although I don’t blame you directly for this, I was distressed by his summary dismissal. I believe that political correctness is a scourge that inhibits open, honest debate and impedes social maturation and progress. WGBH radio certainly didn’t come to Mr. Williams defense and commentators on your airwaves rationalized and defended his firing. For shame.

2. On October 29, just prior to the election, “Diane Rehm Show” guest-host Steve Roberts and his panelists decried the Supreme Court’s “Citizen’s United” ruling and hysterically condemned massive corporate donations to the conservative cause. No mention was made that outside spending was roughly equal in support of both Democratic and Republican campaigns and that the single largest source of cash came from the AFSMCE union ($90 million to the Democrats). What about a modicum of truth and balance?

3. On Monday November 8th, Ron Hockenberry, hosting “The Takeaway,” branded George W. Bush as stupid. In an aside while mentioning Mr. Bush’s new book “Decision Point”, Mr. Hockenberry snarkily remarks “George Bush can think?” Funny stuff to a member of the intelligentsia, but insulting and disrespectful to a former President and the many millions of citizens who supported him.

Any one of these events probably would not have ignited my passions. But their combination and proximity have pushed me to my limit. Here’s what I think we should do -- we need a time-out, a trial separation for a year. Go to your corner and think about it and then send me another solicitation in January, 2012. We’ll reassess our relationship then.


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