Friday, December 3, 2010

It's all in the phrase

“Happy as a clam.”

We’ve all heard it, but what the heck does it mean? Clams have, after all, very little to be happy about. In warmer times and at low tide, the sandbar extending east from Conimicut Point is crowded with boats and waders all digging for clams. The seagulls are clamoring over the mud flats and plucking out clams to be dropped and burst open on docks and parking lots and unfortunate automobiles.

The entire phrase is “happy as a clam at high tide.” Now, that makes sense, as they are then protected from their ravenous pursuers by an extra four feet of water. We are often fooled by incomplete phrases such as this.

How about “Republicans are obstructionists,” one we have heard a lot lately. This Democratic meme depicts the Republicans as mean-spirited, stubborn, obdurate – standing in the way of the people’s business. A meme is created by constant repetition and reinforcement. We hear this complaint echoed by our elected Democratic representatives, Democratic committee members, political reporters, and all variety of liberal cheerleaders.

But they all misrepresent the truth – the entire phrase is “Republicans are obstructionists of the liberal agenda.” And can you blame them? The Democratic philosophy of large and ever growing government is diametrically opposed to Republican principles. And as witnessed by the recent outcome of the Congressional midterm elections, a majority of Americans agree.

The media will continue to portray Republicans as obstructionists, but will not report that they attempted to present many alternatives to health care and economic stimulus and immigration reform. Republican ideas and legislation and amendments were not permitted onto the floors of Congress and were not considered as alternatives – the unfortunate outcome of single-party rule. And with zero Republican content in any of the legislation so advanced, who can blame them for voting nay?

Next time you hear or read that phrase, “Republicans are obstructionists,” just remember to complete it – “…of the liberal agenda.”

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